2023 Membership
For more information contact the Clubhouse Supervisor at 807-854-1029 or kgcclubhouse@gmail.com
NOTE: Golf Canada affiliation fees (which includes fees to Golf Manitoba for female members or Golf Ontario for male members) will be added on to membership fees and must also be paid at time of sign up.
$42.00 plus HST
(prices include hst)
Green Fees
(prices include hst)
Equipment Rentals
(prices include hst)
Adult Membership ..................
Senior Membership ................
Junior Membership .................
Family Membership ................
MNR FIre/Mine Worker...........
Computer ...............................
with affiliation.........
Cart Path ................................
Corporate Membership ..........
Caddyshack Adult ..................
Caddyshack Junior ................
Monthly - Adult ....................... Monthly - Senior .....................
Monthly - Junior ......................
New Adult................................
New Senior..............................
New Family..............................
18 Hole - Adult ........................
9 Hole - Adult ..........................
18 Hole - Junior ......................
9 Hole - Junior ........................
7 for 6: 18 Hole - Adult ............
7 for 6: 9 Hole - Adult ..............
7 for 6: 18 Hole - Junior ...........
7 for 6: 9 Hole - Junior .............
18 Hole - Adult - group............
9 Hole - Adult - group...............
18 Hole - Junior - group............
9 Hole - Adult - group...............
9 hole Special Junior Day Rate
Special Junior Day Rate...........
Power Cart - 18 Holes .................
Power Cart - 9 Holes ...................
Power Cart - Seasonal ................
Daily Cart Trail Fee.......................
Pull Cart - 18 Holes.......................
Pull Cart - 9 Holes.........................
Golf Clubs - 18 holes.....................
Golf Clubs - 9 holes ......................
BBQ Rental .................................
Hall Rental: 1-4 Hours ................
Hall Rental: 5-8 Hours ................
Hall Rental: 8+ Hours .................
(prices include hst)
$480.00 $10.00 $5.00
Facility Rentals
In addition to membership fee (listed in green above) members must pay a Golf Canada Fee
of 42.00 plus 5.46 hst = $47.46.
For this fee members may receive a Golf Canada membership kit including member card, bag tag, equipment ID labels, access to score posting, game tracking and handicap calculations as well as discounts for Golf Canada merchandise, event tickets etc.
As a Golf Canada/Manitoba or Ontario member did you know that you are also covered for up to $6,000 a year for golf related theft and damage ?
Up to $2,500 reimbursement for damaged, lost or stolen golf equipment
Up to $1,000 toward the cost of repairing or replacing a home or auto window
Up to $2,500 for golf cart related incidents
Member benefits are valid for 365 days from the date of enrollment providing you peace of mind year round!


New Member Rate
Never been a member?
Haven't been a member in the last five years?
Reduced Membership Rate:
Adult - $600
Senior - $500www.kenogamisisgolfclub.com

Twilight Rate
Sunday, Monday and Thursday
after 3pm
Adult - $33.00 for 18 holes
$24.00 for 9 holes
Junior - $22.50 for 18 holes
$13.50 for 9 holeswww.kenogamisisgolfclub.com

Junior Fun Day
You can bring a Junior of any age
out to play for free on Sundays after 3pm!
Non-Member adults will receive
the discounted rate of $24.00 for
9 holes.

Promo 2023
Show Room Key or Receipt
& receive 25% off
Green Fees